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"Binkies for Babies" bookend the years for Give Back Girls

What a year 2023 has been! An idea at the end of '22 blossomed to a full year of give back opportunities, new friends including the addition of three new Give Back Girls, and a whole lot of fun and laughter.

The 2023 addition to the Give Back Girls! Angie, Sue C, and Joanna

One of the unexpected perks was the education we received along the way. Learning about the organizations and what or who they support. We developed a new love for trollies and learned about the sustainability of a community garden! We were amazed at the Hole in The Wall Gang camp and all they do for the sick children in our communities. Perhaps one of the biggest lessons we learned was that small gestures of help can make a big difference! Let me share how we finished up our year and started 2024!

Who does not love a super soft and cozy blanket?! In December, we joined a group of girls at a friend's house that has started "Binkies for Babies". Susan, who was a featured friend at one time on our site, gathers groups of women to make blankets that she calls binkies. At first I wondered why they are called binkies, since I have always thought of a pacifier as a binkie. Once I touched these soft, cuddly blankets, I got it! You can wrap up in one for a comfort that is probably similar to having a pacifier!!! So yes, these blankets are binkies for sure. Michelle, Sue C, and I were joined by three other women on this night. The plan was to make two blankets to add to the pile that would be donated.

Our host, Susan gave us instructions and left us three GBGs on our own to work on our creation. It really was a simple project, stack two pieces of coordinating fleece on top of each other and cut 5" strips on the edge about 1" wide. Then someone follows and ties the bottom fleece to the top fleece. This part was a bit tricky since there was a way to tie the strips so that the pattern always stays on top. After a few demonstrations we were on our way. The best part of the project was the conversation around the blanket! We are NEVER at a loss for words. It was not long before we cut and tied our way all around the blanket!.

After we made our blanket, Susan had us all lay our hands on the blanket and say a prayer for the recipient. We then added it to the pile where Susan wrapped a ribbon around it and attached a binkies for babies card.

The stack in the picture I shared, was donated to the Milford Police Department, Beth El Shelter, and Bridgeport Hospital. The Give Back Girls were happy to participate in this feel good project. Now, as with most of our adventures, it was time to have a snack!

Susan put out a beautiful spread. She brought out some fine china and really spoiled us. Take a look at the cheese dish next to the tart; its a Christmas tree! Everything was delicious including the eggnog. Susan is hoping that others will consider getting a group of friends together, making these binkies, and donating them in their communities. You can find instructions to make the blankets here.

With the end of 2023 wrapped up (no pun intended) with the binkie project, it was time to celebrate a brand new year of volunteer!

In January the five Give Back Girls gathered at Arlene's home to start a fresh new year. Since Joanna and Angie were not able to be at the binkie project, we decided to make a couple of binkies while planning out the first half of 2024. It was great to get together and share all of the experiences we had over the year while planning some new adventures. First order of business though was to present Angie with her GBG t-shirt. A big thank you to my niece, Michelle, for the logo she designed for us.

Now we were ready to work! I found non-pill fleece by the yard at Walmart. It was a little less expensive than the pre-cut fleece. The fleece was so freaking cute with bees on one and elephants on the other. Both patterns were accented with yellow so I opted for yellow fleece on the back of the blankets.

I cut out a 5" square on each corner before the girls came to the house; that made it easer to get started.

We worked on the blankets at the same time and changed seats once in a while to mix up the conversations. This project is so forgiving. We had fun putting the two blankets together, they came out so cute.

Again, we laid hands on the blankets and said a nice prayer for the recipients. (note my mani-press! They are press-on nails; I love them so easy and in-expensive!)

The plan is to donate the binkies to the hospital for the little babies. Along with the blankets, we decided to include baby hats that I knitted. Recently, my mother shared her knitting skill with me and I have not set the needles down since!! All baby hats. Who knew how relaxing this craft could be. Anyway, we are currently looking for a contact at the hospital that can help us donate our loot! To finish up our evening, we shared a little snack, of course! Joanna treated us to her homemade Reeses Flan. It was superb. She is the Flan-Lady. Her list of flan flavors is extensive and you can get one for yourself! Honestly, you have to try one of her flans sometime; you can find her site here.

Michelle and I have to thank everyone for the support shown this year by our site subscribers and social media followers. We hope that you have found our adventures inspiring and feel-good stories. Be sure to visit our volunteer opportunities page to see where we will be and, as always, we welcome anyone to participate!


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Feb 01, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Our hearts are full and “Binkies for Babies” is so touched and grateful for your beautiful donation of soft warm binkies and precious knit hats. Your positive energy is encouraging and sets a wonderful example of caring and kindness.

Feb 07, 2024
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Thank you for your encouraging words.

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