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It's a Jungle Out There! An Afternoon at Animal Haven

Recently, the Give Back Girls, visited Animal Haven in North Haven, CT, to lend a hand. Of course when we applied to volunteer, we were hoping to walk dogs and spend time with the animals! Yet, in the spirit of giving back and being open to the need, we were ready, willing, and "able" to accept whatever task was presented. On this very hot and humid afternoon, weeding the dog kennels was the need! We packed our tools, hats, sunscreen, and water bottles and headed to the shelter. We met Michelle, who brought us to the tool shed to look for any tools that would be helpful. Regretfully, there was not a weedwacker!

Puppy Break...... Meet Taurus and Avril! We had the opportunity to watch them get some exercise. They were so happy and playful as they ran around the yard.

Ok, back to our task at hand. Some kennels were more weedier than others and some were very jungle-like! Our tools were not strong enough for those kennel clean-up jobs so we chose three kennels that were manageable for our allotted time and wimpy tools. Why three kennels and not two? Well, we are happy to welcome Donna to the GiveBackGirls team! She is a teacher by trade and a hard worker in the volunteer field. She has come with willing hands and ideas for volunteering opportunities! Welcome Donna! (She was camera shy this hot Saturday. Perhaps we can coax her into a quick picture for our readers at the next event!)

Puppy Break.....look at this cutie pie!!! Ava is up for adoption at the shelter and waiting to find her human to carry her around and love her like a little baby-girl! We asked why so many dogs need homes. Michelle said one word...."Covid". Apparently getting a puppy was the thing to do during covid when everyone was staying home. Unfortunately, when people returned to their normal, busy lives, they no longer could care for their new four-legged friends, so they turn to the shelter to surrender their dog. Other reasons include deaths of owners, moves/ relocations, and new baby arrivals. Michelle has over 70 applications for surrenders that have to be processed! She fears that lack of space will find Connecticut similar to the south where dogs roam the streets! Imagine little Ava just walking aimlessly through the streets!

Back To Work!!

Get them roots!!! Weeds are relentless. We cleared all the toys, then worked at getting the roots of the weeds, hoping that the wild greenery would not grow back! I loved the work because it was a two-for deal! Volunteering while getting the day's exercise out of the way! Donna and Michelle worked away chatting up the whole afternoon across the gate. In the meantime, we could hear the dog in a nearby kennel trying desperately to get OUT! We lovingly called him Cujo because we were warned NOT to go in that kennel. We talked to Cujo from time to time, just letting him know it was ok, we were just making the kennels nicer for him. Ooooo now this big girl is NOT a Cujo.....

Puppy Break.....Meet Arwen. OMG! Beautiful! Some human is going to get a prize with this baby!!! Did you ever watch the videos of these huskies talking to their humans? They are so full of DRAMA and Arwen will be sure to entertain some lucky family, I'm sure!

Success! Eight garbage bags and one and a half hours later, the three of us cleared out three kennels! If it was not so blessed hot, we could have continued, as there are 20 kennels on the property. We would like to return to continue the job, and of course, if anyone would like to help, Animal Haven would be as grateful as the dogs that use these kennels. You can find the link to the application on our volunteer opportunities page.

A Final puppy break.... this is little mocha, one of the shelter's newest arrivals. She was so friendly and interested in us. The staff LOVE her. Check out her page to get to know her a little more.

No Time? There are Other ways to Give Back!

The shelter needs so many things to take care of its many tenants! You can donate money of course, but you can also donate supplies, like gently used blankets. Consider visiting their amazon wishlist!

For those of you that would like to donate a bit of time, visit our volunteer opportunities page for the application. Let Michelle and I know of your interest and we will be sure that you are considered!!!

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10 de ago. de 2023
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Awesome job!

12 de ago. de 2023
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Thank you!!! We wish we could have done more of course but every little bit helps!

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