Push (ups) Against Cancer/Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
The Give Back Girls were back at it. This time at Staples High School in Westport, CT. Three of us - Michelle, Joanna and Angie were able to make this event. We started off well before sunrise, meeting at the Athenian Diner in Milford. We then headed to Staples High School where the 14th annual Push Against Cancer was being held. This was a fundraiser for the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp in Ashford, CT. It was a chilly morning. After our complimentary coffee and donuts, we headed to work at the registration table. We signed in individuals and teams who were participating in the event. We showed them where to go and pointed out where the restrooms were. We gave each participant a PAC towel (There is always some sort of SWAG at these events!).
These participants meant business! Many were returning from previous years to beat their own record in the number of pushups they could do in 40 minutes. There were even those who took part in the One Hour Contenders Division where awards were given to the top male and the top female. They had their own counters with them who kept track of the number of push ups they did. The event began with a wonderful speech given by a former Hole in the Wall camper. He told of many ways the camp benefited him when he was younger. He, along with his mom and sister were there to volunteer at this event.
Once everyone was signed in, we went down to the field to watch the participants. There was a lot of excitement, cheers, and music that added to the fun.
The three of us walked laps around the field to watch (and to keep warm). We enjoyed looking at a picture display of campers that was set up in front of the participants.
At the end of the event, we helped to clean up and take down displays. We really enjoyed our time at this event and look forward to volunteering at more Hole in the Wall Gang Camp fundraisers!
Before signing off, we have exciting news. Angie has joined our little force as an official give back girl! This is her second event with us and brings such joy, laughter, and smiles. Be sure to visit our volunteer opportunities page for ideas on how you can give back one day! Join us once, twice, or many times, every little bit helps!