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The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp-Pedal for Pies

I remember hearing about The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp founded by Paul Newman. I knew it was for children with life threatening illnesses. I always admired PN for starting something like this. That was all I knew. Well, now thanks to my volunteering efforts, I know a lot more! Arlene and I were lucky enough to volunteer at two events sponsored by The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. A camp where children with life threatening illnesses can have a blast!

The first event was Pedal for Pies. This was a wonderful cycling fundraising event for the camp held at Lyman Orchards. The Camp did a fantastic job of organizing this event - activities, a cook out, live entertainment and even a personal sized pie for all of the cyclists to take home. The cyclists could team up or ride solo. There was a 15 or 33 mile route. When we arrived, we were assigned our duties. Arlene was sent to cheer on the cyclists. I was tasked with helping out at the registration desk and helping to set up some of the family activities. I handed out bibs and pins to all of the cyclists. When the cycling began, I then helped set up activities.

It was a beautiful event that began with a young camper (D) thanking all of the cyclists and telling about her love of the camp. Her enthusiasm was evident as she described the feeling of driving up to camp knowing she would have a week of parent free fun. She told us she loves swimming, boating and having fun with fellow campers. It is the highlight of her Summer. I got to spend a little more time with D at the Button Station, where I helped make fun buttons using stickers and a button making machine. It was tricky at first, but I got the hang of it, with help from other volunteers. D was our first customer. I showed her all of the fun stickers she could choose from, thinking she was making one for herself. D explained to me that she wanted to make buttons for her family and not for herself. She then chose stickers that she thought each family member would like. She was a pro at using the button machine. I admired D’s water bottle with the camp logo on it. I saw the back had a saying “Raise a Little Hell”. I wondered about this and asked another volunteer. She let me know that Paul Newman wanted his campers to “raise a little hell” in a safe space that included proper medical treatment. How awesome is that!!


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