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The Place of “YES”!

If you follow Michelle and I, you know that we were introduced to The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp at the Pedal for Pies event we volunteered at earlier this month. That is exactly what it was, just an introduction! We headed to the camp in Ashford this past weekend to help out with Bandit Round-Up and we were no less than amazed at the campgrounds built in the 80’s by actor, Paul Newman. (Yup! The guy on the juice and salad dressing!)

The camp is really equivalent to a small town, complete with full-size buildings that house everything from a sports complex, woodworking shop, and gift shop, to stables for horse riding and an infirmary for….well…just in case! There was so much more that the event offered to their donors as they wandered around and investigated. Volunteers smiled and greeted each guest as a VIP as they offered information, small tokens of appreciation, or a bite to eat. What I have to tell you about is the theater; this is where Michelle and I were stationed as ushers, stampers, and greeters. We worked along side four other volunteers, Rosemarie, Diane, Joy, and Maureen as we welcomed visitors to hear from the director in this incredible theater.

I understand that Mr. Newman build the theater as a replica of the Westport Country Playhouse, in Westport, CT

. The woodwork alone was testament to the quality craftsmanship of this grand theater. Truly a sight to see. Here, kids are given the opportunity to showcase their talent on stage or blend in with a cast of others during a production. These kids are taken out of the role of patient, and put into the role of a performing star!! Michelle and I greeted donors and welcomed them into the theater. Here, they would learn about the good work that their contributions make possible. Next, we replaced the complimentary “buffs”, like a neckerchief, on the back of the seats after each show. Michelle did a good job stamping the passports that the guests carried through the campgrounds as they visited the variety of buildings. (Well, once Michelle figured out which side of the pad had ink!!! Lol!) Some visitors required a little extra help from us as they found a seat.

What I was surprised to learn was the reach beyond the campgrounds! The community outreach included a team that visits the hospital to bring camp TO the children that are too sick to visit the camp. They tell them all about this special place that they will go to when they feel better. The staff does activities with the kids right where they are. Additionally, sometimes children have to be home recovering or rehabilitating. The community team reaches out to these children as well, to bring camp to their homes or community. One camper described how The Hole in the Wall Gang made his family room into a disco and dance party! Lastly, have to mention the good work this camp is doing for the caregivers and those that suffer the loss of their child. The bereavement services support families through a devastating time while making them feel they are NOT alone. Caregivers have their own activities at camp too! The realization that these adults need to step out of caregiver role from time to time is well understood by the staff and they make that happen for these overwhelmed individuals. The extent of outreach that this organization manages is phenomenal. I was honored to be part of this effort and look forward to giving back at camp again soon!


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