Who's That Lady Behind the Mask?Mardi Gras at Shoreline Trolley
What about the volunteer perspective from another Give Back Girl? Michelle and I have invited Give Back Girl, Angie, to share her thoughts after a recent event at Shoreline Trolley Museum where Mardi Gras was being celebrated.
Enjoy this fresh read.
Here is what Angie had to share: Mardi Gras is an explosion of color. The kids love the fun activities. Upon arrival they were given a mask to decorate with feathers, sequins and pom-poms. Each child created a unique design for their mask and wore it with pride. I loved seeing the faces of every child, wearing their mask and ready to get their picture taken. Kids were happy to color a picture of their favorite Mardi Gras mask too.
Families joined together for this day full of joy. I Enjoyed seeing how families create moments and experience the trolley ride together.
Angie also shared, "Give Back Girls has been a really positive and fulfilling experience to me.
I feel incredibly fulfilled and purposeful since joining Gives Back Girls. Being part of this organization allows me to express my love for helping others in the most meaningful way. It’s more than just volunteering; it’s a way of life that brings out the best in me."
Thank you Angie, for this reflection. A few words from me, Arlene, about that day.
The range of ages around the craft table was 1-81! The mask embellishments were piled on the table flanked by bottles of craft glue. Do I need to say more?? Oh my! Parents with fingers stuck together or stuck to the masks, children with sequins decorating their little fingers, and the floor covered in an array of color. Metallic color everywhere! I went to the kitchen in search of a "glue tool"and discovered a box of toothpicks to do the trick. As I handed a toothpick to one father, he responded as if I was handing him a long-lost TV remote control! This activity was a hit!
What is Mardi Gras without beads? Of course, along with a trolley ride, the children received beads!! Here is an interesting fact about the beads we handed out. I discovered that they were a personal stash of beads directly from New Orleans... how fun! Thank you Lydia!!
A magician joined the celebration a bit late but still had some time to wow the children. The children gathered around her as she interacted with them and shared her magic. A few parents looked on as well with interest and puzzlement as the magic show continued.
Late in the morning, one little boy was waiting anxiously for the next trolley ride. The little family was treated to a story read by GBG, Michelle. Being a kindergarten teacher, she knew just how to read to children and kept that little guy's attention. We have decided that next year she will be the official story-book reader for Mardi-Gras.
If you have read previous GBG posts, you know that the Shoreline Trolley Museum is an important piece of history that needs great support to keep going. It had suffered great destruction during Hurricane
Sandy requiring massive clean-up, restoration of trolley cars, and relocation of outbuildings. Because of this museum, future generations have the opportunity to witness and experience first hand, the mode of transportation of their ancestors. So how can you help? Of course donations at the GREAT GIVE are fantastic, but participation is better! Check out the list of events on their website, get a membership, plan a birthday party or other celebration. COME TO THE GALA next year to show your support!
Often, Michelle and I are asked, "What is Give Back Girls". While it started as an initiative for us to get more involved and show others what we were up to, we never imagined that our readers would have such interest and provide lovely encouragement! Michelle and I are thrilled with the ladies that have joined us along the way. You know the saying, the more the merrier"? This applies to volunteering in a big way! Thank you for your continuing interest and reading along.